Research Working Group

Lead: Mindy Levin

Sofia Lampropoulou
Sotiria Vrouva
Margit Alt Murphy
Nicola Hancock
Adine Adonis
Blessing Adewumi
Pradeep Rapalli
Michal Kafri
Jill Stewart
Shailesh Kantak
Sujata D. Pradhan
Yvonne Learmouth
Sylvie Nadeau


Aim: To connect, support and promote research communities in neurologic physical therapy

  1. Promote research by participation in the scientific program development for World Physiotherapy Congress.
  • The WP Promotion subgroup is led by Mindy Levin.
  • The Research Working Group will support neurosciences networking at the World Physiotherapy Congress and, if possible, conduct a tour of posters.
  • The working group reviewed neuroscience abstracts for WP Congress 2023.
  • The working group collaborated with representatives from WPT Congress INPA for awarding prizes for neuroscience best posters and best platform presentation for WP Congress 2023.
  1. Disseminate good quality research findings with the INPA membership. The Dissemination subgroup is led by Michal Kafri.
  2. Identify and disseminate relevant research through our partner journal, The Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy (JNPT).  The JNPT Liaison subgroup is led by Mindy Levin. The task of this subgroup is to submit and publish abstracts from WP meetings in the journal. Abstracts from WP Congress 2021 were published in the JNPT January 2023 issue.
  3. Develop and implement a process to invite and select suitably qualified people to respond to research and research capacity building requests, on a project-by-project basis. The Capacity Building subgroupis led by Margit Alt Murphy. The group has developed a process flow chart that identifies the sequential steps and decision-making processes for action against this goal. The Mentor-Collaboration subgroup is led by Nicola Hancock. A workplan has been developed that identifies two key areas of collaboration and support for clinicians involved in research and for early career physiotherapy researchers.