Movement Disorder Resources

Parkisnon's Disease Guidelines

  1. European Physiotherapy Guideline for Parkinson’s Disease (translated to ENG, GER, PORT, FIN, CZE)
    Professional associations from 19 European countries have joined their forces to develop this Guideline. It is an example of the standing of the physiotherapy  profession in this clinical area of neurological practice.
    In this Guideline, you will find currently available evidence-informed material to answer questions that you might have. This includes evidence from good clinical research, expert opinion from physiotherapists across Europe, and preferences of people with Parkinon’s disease to treatment and management options. To optimise the use of this Guideline, it is short, simple and written in a manner that assists clinical decision-making towards patient-centered care and that helps establish good communication between those involved in the management of the condition.

          In English –

          In Portuguese –

  1. Physical Therapist Management of Parkinson Disease: A Clinical Practice Guideline from the American Physical Therapy Association –

Huntington's Disease

We are pleased to share a collection of new resources developed by the European Huntington’s Disease Society. These resources are designed to support physiotherapists, individuals with Huntington’s disease, their families, and caregivers. The materials cover a range of topics, including balance, gait, exercise and resistance training, cognitive, emotional and behavioral issues, and a residential care reference guide. These comprehensive resources provide valuable information on best practices, therapeutic exercises, and strategies for managing symptoms associated with Huntington’s disease.

Access the resource folder here.

Portuguese (ENHD Website) –úde.pdf