Who are we

List of Office Bearers

Chair Charles ‘Chuck’ Plishka
Vice Chair Daniel Verdecchia
Secretary José Ortega Solis
Member Andre Santos
Member Rebecca Smith
Member Claudia Costa

Charles (Chuck) Plishka

USA – Chair of the INPA Vestibular Special Interest Group

Charles “Chuck” Plishka, PT, DPT, NCS is a Doctor of Physical Therapy and a neuro therapy specialist in the USA. Having over 25 years of experience, he is an international speaker on the subjects of vestibular therapy and balance. Chuck is the current Chair of INPA’s Vestibular Special Interest Group. He is the author of the text, ‘A Clinician’s Guide to Balance and Dizziness: Evaluation and Treatment.’ Chuck’s current research focuses on oculomotor and vestibular function in patients with traumatic brain injury.

Daniel Verdecchia

Argentina – Vice Chair of the INPA Vestibular Special Interest Group

Lic. Daniel Verdeccia B.Sc. M.Sc (c), Currently works at the Department of Health Sciences of the Universidad Nacional de la Matanza. He is Adjunct Professor of Epidemiology. Daniel research focuses on Geriatrics, Vestibular Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy. He is Director of the Argentinian Vestibular Physiotherapy School.  Vice Chair of Vestibular Rehabilitation Special Interest Group and Secretary of Academic and University Affairs of the Argentine Association of Kinesiology.   Hi is member of the Bárány Society.

José Ignacio Ortega Solís​

France – Secretary of the INPA Vestibular Special Interest Group

José Ignacio Ortega Solis, PT received his Physiotherapy degree from the European University in Madrid and has specialized in vestibular rehabilitation since 2006. José is the current Secretary of INPA’s Vestibular Special Interest Group. He currently practices in Lyon, both privately and at the Hospices Civils de Lyon Hospital. Additionally, he teaches vestibular rehabilitation in postgraduate programs at Claude Bernard University Lyon 1 and EUSES University in Girona, Spain. José’s research focuses on pediatric vestibular rehabilitation.

Rebecca Smith

United Kingdom – Member at large of the INPA Vestibular Special Interest Group

Rebecca Smith PhD, PT is a post-doctoral clinical academic vestibular physiotherapist at the Centre for Vestibular Neurology, Imperial College London, UK. Her recent research has focused on clinical practice change in vestibular assessment and treatment in acute traumatic brain injury patients. She maintains an outpatient vestibular caseload to complement her research activities.

André Santos

Brazil – Member at large of the INPA Vestibular Special Interest Group

André Santos PhD, PT graduated with a degree in Physiotherapy (1993) and PhD in Physiotherapy from the University of Buenos Aires (2006). His research interests include vestibular plasticity, benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), vestibular physiotherapy and human balance disorders. He holds a certification in vestibular rehabilitation from the American Association of Physical Therapy (APTA) and Emory University (2005). He is a scientific reviewer of the translation into Brazilian Portuguese of the Vestibular Rehabilitation book – Susan Herdman – 2nd edition. Founding partner of the Brazilian Association of Neurofunctional Physiotherapy [ABRAFIN]. Founder and President of the Department of Vestibular Physical Therapy, by ABRAFIN. Member of Bàràny Society – Sweden. Member of the Vestibular Disorders Association [VEDA / USA]. Director of the Brazilian Institute of Vestibular Physical Therapy and Balance (IBRAFIVE). Reviewer of scientific journals: Journal of Vestibular Research (IOS press); Physiotherapy in Movement (PUC-PR); Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy (UFSCar).

Claudia Costa

Portugal – Member at large of the INPA Vestibular Special Interest Group

Cláudia Maria Costa, PT, MSc (Portugal) has been a Physiotherapist since 2004, Master in Physiotherapy Sciences and PhD student in Neurosciences. Her areas of expertise (research and clinic) are Vestibular and Neurological Physiotherapy. Claudia is an Adjunct Professor of the entry-level Physiotherapy course, at the Escola Superior de Saúde Atlântica, Barcarena. Lecturer at the entry-level and postgraduate training in Vestibular Physiotherapy and acute neurological care. Her research focus is to enhance the understanding of vision and its effect on postural control and quality of life. Member of the Neurological Working Group at the Portugues Order of Physiotherapists, and co-founder of the Vestibular Physiotherapy Working Group of APFISIO – Portuguese Physiotherapy Association.