How do I register for the conference?
Click on the registration link that will take you to the registration platform where you will be required to provide your details and email address and also indicate your registration category (Blue for middle to high income countries and green for middle to low-income countries based on the world bank classification).
How do I log in on the day of the conference?
You will be sent the Zoom login a few days before the event, so please keep watching your email.
Will the sessions be recorded and available afterwards for those who have registered?
Due to the numerous time zones involved, the talks will be made available online afterwards to participants who have registered to attend the conference.
We hope to have the talks posted for participants within 7-10 days after the event. They will be available for viewing for up to 30 days once posted.
A notice and login details will be made available to all registrants once ready.
How do I know which category I need to register for?
The registration button on this website shows the correct category to register based on your IP-location. All participants from countries classified as middle-high- and high-income countries by the World Bank are in the blue category and all participants from countries classified as middle low and low income countries by the World Bank are in the green category, as shown on the map.
Will this conference in November offer CEU opportunities through the APTA?
Since this is our first conference, we decided not to attempt to get CEUs. Some authorities and states allow you to submit the materials for their approval from individuals.
Can I cancel my registration if unable to attend?
Yes, you can re-access your registration page through your confirmation email and cancel your registration up to a month before the event.